Advocates 4 Wrongfully Convictied
Crime Scene Photos/Exhibits Missing
Below is the list of all the Photos and Exhibits used in Hank's trial. Hank and his attorney have been trying to get a copy of these exhibits for years.

In a February 15, 2013 letter from Jane Montori Assistant District Attorney addressed to Hank, Ms Montori states "The District Attorney denies your request for records. After a good faith search for the trial file where the requested records would be located, the trial file could not be found." Where is this trial file? Why can't it be located? Why can't Hank obtain the exhibits that were clearly shown to used at his 1982 trial.

On March 6, 2013 Hank received a response from the Clerk of Courts, Laura Gentile stating "Among the exhibits we have for this case, there is not any crime scene photos or arrest photos or report. Who took these photos and what has happened to this information? Why can't it be located? It is clearly shown by the trial transcripts we have in our possession that the exhibits listed below were used in Hank's trial. Yet these exhibits can't be located and seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Is the Commonwealth hiding something? These exhibits could be used to prove Hank's innocence but no one in authority at the Commonwealth can seem to locate them.

In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ALL evidence pertaining to a person convicted and still in prison must be retained; yet much of Hank's evidence appears to not have been retained. WHY?

Exhibits used at Hank's 1982 trial:

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Henry Houghton
Convicted of a crime that never happened!!!